More street dancing.
My high school during the Sinadya sa Halaran street dancing.
My high school during the street dancing at our town festival.
Our town festival.
At dinner after the World Aids project.
Rachel demonstrating how to properly put on a condom.
Some of the kids at the school we talked at playing our game. Our game demonstrated how quickly Aids could spread.
Me and other Peace Corps volunteers walking in the World Aids Day parade.
Native Dancers
The pretty fountain in my town plaza.
Participants in the Global Peace Parade dressed in Native outfits.
Dancers at the Global Peace Parade.
Teache friends Grace and Kareen.
My kids and I before the Global Peace Parade.
These starfish are all over the beach.
So these kids are so adorable. They like to chase me on the beach while I run. Ha-ha, we have races and I try to out run them. They are REALLY fast! :)
Nippa hut on the beach.
Cutest kids in the world...
Coconut. They are everywhere.
These shells are everywhere. I think they are really cool.
I cannot believe I get to live here for two years!!